Real Unique Selling Points for Notes/Domino

Real Unique Selling Points for Notes/Domino

Rapid Application Development with Security from the Beginning

Time to market or the overall development cycle for Domino applications in your organization can be vert short. Domino leverages the key value paradigm of more recenet databases. Security and replication are built into the platform. It is fast and scales. While one team has a hard time developing basic features for a new application, a Domino developer team can deploy on multiple devices from the start and has a wide toolbox at hand to utilize security, robustness and fast update cycles offered by Domino.

Can run in a cloud setup, but is primarily available On-Premises for your data center in-house

It’s your data. While a lot of vendors now prefer to move you and your company compute assets to their own servers and infrastructure, you can always run your Domino servers on Linux and Windows on your own hardware – either virtual or on bare metal. You decide.

SwiftFile: Notes Client suggests the Folder to file your Inbox Messages into

SwiftFile is built into the HCL Notes client starting in 11.0.1. It is available as an extra install for all previously supported versions.

There is a nice technical report that has all the features explained in detail:

Segal, Richard B., Kephart, Jeffrey 0.: SwiftFile: An Intelligent Assistant for Organizing E-Mail. Technical Report, no. SS-00-01, 2000.


While most e-mail clients allow users to file messages into folders, the process they must go through to file each message is often tedious and slow. For each message, the user must first decide which folder is most appropriate. Then, the user must inform the e-mail reader of that choice by selecting the appropriate icon or menu item from among what is typically a set of several dozen choices. The combined effort of choosing a folder and conveying that choice to the application of-ten discourages users from filing their mail, resulting in unmanageable inboxes that contain hundreds or even thousands of unfiled messages. SwiftFile encourages users to file their mail by simplifying the task. Using an adaptive classifier, it predicts the three folders that are most likely to be appropriate for a given message and provides shortcut buttons that permit the user to effortlessly file it into a predicted folder. For typical users, SwiftFile’s predictions are accurate over 80% to 90% of the time, resulting in a substantial reduction in the time and cognitive burden required to file messages.

Team Mailbox: a mail-in mailbox with one unique sending address for multiple users

Sure, you will need a team mailbox. One single mailbox with one address like that even a distributed team of people can work with. You can read more about it when browsing the official documentation: Selecting an alternate From address in a shared mail file

Team Calendar: Using a Calendar with a bunch of people simultaneously

It’s groupware – so it’s obvious that it should offer a Team Calendar.
The official documentation about the Team Calendar in HCL Notes has all the details.

E-Mail: Putting a Notes Inbox Message into more than one Folder (without copying it!)

Mat Newman explains this in a YouTube video


Notes/Domino is like a good wine: getting better over time

Version 1.0 of Notes was first available on December, 7th 1989. The most recent version is currently available as version number 14.
There are not many software titles available these days that are still in the market since their first appearance.
You can still open your in 1989 created version 1.0 databases using the most recent version. The terms Lotus Notes, IBM Notes are all talking about the same. Now it is HCL Notes. HCL bought the software from IBM. It’s Notes the client as part of the server named Domino.

Notes is the client software talking to the server Domino

HCL is selling the client server groupware platform in two parts:

  1. Notes is the client software available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android
  2. Domino is the server component with the built in web part

Notes/Domino – what can I do with it?

There are quite a few definitions out there. A good source is Wikipedia. Please refer to their article about the software to find out more.

Other resources on the web