The groupware server
HCLs (former IBMs) groupware package offers a built in web server.
The server component is commonly refered to as HCL Domino.
This part of the software communicates with your installed
- HCL Notes Client using the NRPC protocol over tcp port 1352 and/or
- Web browser using the http protocol over tcp port 80 or the secure 443
HCL as a owner of Domino is really interested in improving the user experience. HCL Nomad is the newest addition to the portfolio. You can now run all Notes applications natively on iPhone, iPad and Android devices. As of version 12 the Nomad client will be available as a native web client.
A common use these days is to have your mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android) connected to the server part.
The server task running on the Domino server is called Traveller.